1st en 2nd National BOURGES 2000
Each racing pigeon fancier has a dream to win an national flight sometime in his life !!! For many of those this dream never comes true.
But not so for Johny & Yves Jonckers !
In 2000 they accomplished more than a dream, they didn't only won the 1st national of Bourges but also won the 2nd national Bourges from 22.851. old birds. An unicum in the Belgian Racing Pigeon History.
Both racing pigeons were home at the exact same time. This memorious 27th of May 2000 the Jonckers Family will never forget.
The 1st national of Bourges 2000 was won by "De Blauwe Jan" 2184824/98
15/5 Toury : 324/1.187 b.
12/6 Chateauroux 12/326 b.
27/6 Argenton 13/356 b.
06/5 Etampes 58/538 b.
13/5 Toury 32/549 b.
27/5 Bourges 1/22.851 b. !!!
The 2nd National of Bourges 2000 was won by "Den 808" 2184808/98
18/4 Momignies 1/620 p.
25/4 Soissons 77/670 p.
1/5 Sens 12/693 p.
12/6 Chateauroux 24/326 p.
10/7 Tours 21/219 p.
24/7 Argenton 14/2.328 p.
30/4 Soissons 105/958 p.
6/5 Etampes 42/538 p.
13/5 Toury 23/549 p.
27/5 Bourges 2/22851 p. !!!